



from another and think that its problems are solved.


The further success of this process depends upon the attitude of the individual. If a person has a positiveę desire to help himself and his fellow man, his activity will be circumscribed by the' activity of others. In other words, there is a socially-desirable standard by which we act. To adopt, such a standard, one must have the desire to do so. This, then, is the problem, for, even though we may have the knowledge and the skill to apply that knowledge in the correct way, we have accomplished little.



Yes, education to develop constructive attitudes within individuals and thus within groups, can be a problem but it can be done and it's worth it. What have you got to lose?

K. B.

the importance of You


AST-TO-COAST rumors about the Mattachine Society would lead you to believe some fantastic things.



I read where the Mattachine organization is seeking $6 million to be used for lobbying and political pressure to.. change laws," said a youth in a mid-Western city to another récently.

"Yes, the Society has its headquarters in Los Angeles because some rich movie stars are backing it," said someone else to a friend.

Such conversations couldn't be farther from the truth! Distorted" facts" in so-called "expose" magazines to the contrary, the Hattachine Society is NOT a【big organization; it is NOT endowed by anyone of wealth it is NOT seeking to become a political pressure group of any sort.

On the other hand, the Mattachine organization IS made T up of a handful of members, friends and advisors who recóg-. nize the need for spreading accurate information to American mattachine REVIEW


people about the problems and true conditions of sex variation. It is chartered as a non-profit corporation for the purpose of aiding research, conducting projects of education, and publication of information which will broaden understanding of these aspects of human behavior for the benefit of the American public.


That's where YOU come in. YOU are the important.cog on the drive wheel of the machinery thus far set up by the Mattachine organization. ..!

This little magazine is the initial effort in creation of a publication which will, in the future, aid the understanding of the homosexual and the sex variants


Its success, to be sure, first of all will depend upon whether or not the material published serves a useful purpose. But secondly, and just as important (because. it provides the means), is the support which only YOU can give.

No national publication such as Mattachine Review can long survive unless readers respond with subscriptions: The future of the magazine, therefore, depends entirely upon you, dear reader; and your friends and associates.




The publishers make no pretense this early in the venture of having any magic editorial formula which will please all readers. Such a formula may well be impossible. But the staff does hope that with criticism (which is invited) will come the vital subscription dollars upon which continued existence of the magazine depends.

If you have an interest in the problem, and if you wish to give a vote of confidence to the small but dedicated group of persons who comprise the Mattachine Society in aidits solution, then subscribe to the Review without delay. Without such support, the magazine cannot achieve goals set so far. That's how important YOU are in the life of the Mattachine Review!

Mattachine REVIEW

(Rates: $2.50 per year, mailed, first class sealed in U. S. and Canada; $3.50 elsewhere. Send subscriptions to the Mattachine Review, P. O. Box 1925, Los Angeles 53, Calif.) *)